The school has an active parent group known as FOSS, Friends of Sudbury School. We organise social events for the children and fundraise for the school.
In recent years, from our fundraising, we have been able to purchase numerous items for school including:
We have organised discos, quiz nights and competitions for the children along with favourite events such as Secret Santa and Summer Fetes.
Meetings are held when required and anyone is more than welcome to come along to hear what is being planned, suggest ideas and also a way to get to know other parents. If a parent is unable to attend, we are more than happy for ideas to be passed on beforehand, which can then be discussed at the meeting. However, you do not need to wait for a meeting, if you have an idea or question, feel free to grab us any time.
We are always looking for volunteers to help at events, either in the preparation or at the event but fully understand that unexpected things can happen which mean people have to pull out at short notice. All parents are invited to participate in Foss in whatever way suits them and all parents are invited to join the Facebook page (Sudbury School Yummy Mummies (and Daddies)) as well as the WhatsApp group (Just pass your number onto a member of FOSS).
The current Chair is Leanne Wingfield, the Secretary is Alison Bennett-Davis and the Treasurer is Vicki Gill.
Any emails can be sent to
F.O.S.S meeting minutes and newsletters will be updated on the website regularly.
FOSS Newsletter September 2022
FOSS Newsletter March 2022. Page 1
FOSS Newsletter March 2022. Page 2
FOSS Meeting Minutes 17th January 2022
FOSS AGM Meeting Minutes 12th September 2022