School Lane, Ashbourne, DE6 5HZ
01283 585251


During their English lessons, pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively. Pupils learn to become enthusiastic and critical readers of a range of text types including: short stories; poetry; myths and legends; instructions; letters; diaries and explanation texts.

In English, we adapt the guidance set out in the National Curriculum and offer cross curricular opportunities so that the pupils recognise that our language is a rich resource and applicable in many settings. Cross curricular writing opportunities are  planned so that pupils can use and apply the skills they are taught in a variety of contexts.

Handwriting policy


LKS2  reading

UKS2 Reading progression

Key skills in writing

English intent statement

School Lane, Ashbourne, DE6 5HZ
01283 585251


During their English lessons, pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively. Pupils learn to become enthusiastic and critical readers of a range of text types including: short stories; poetry; myths and legends; instructions; letters; diaries and explanation texts.

In English, we adapt the guidance set out in the National Curriculum and offer cross curricular opportunities so that the pupils recognise that our language is a rich resource and applicable in many settings. Cross curricular writing opportunities are  planned so that pupils can use and apply the skills they are taught in a variety of contexts.

Handwriting policy


LKS2  reading

UKS2 Reading progression

Key skills in writing

English intent statement