Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship (PSHE) helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. As well as encouraging the pupils to empathise with others and develop an appreciation of our responsibilities as valued members of society, we also teach them about how to keep themselves safe in the modern world. PSHE is taught as a separate session as well as being interspersed in all areas of the curriculum.
Knowledge Overviews
Our aim is that the pupils develop a sense of self-esteem and respect for others as well as learning about their own physical and emotional development.
For young pupils, questions about new life will occur in the context of care for all young creatures, and most naturally when a new baby is born. Older pupils will be taught more formally about reproduction and personal hygiene through Science and PSHE. Pupils’ questions will be answered honestly and as sensitively as possible, at a level that is appropriate for their stage of development. A letter prior to the sessions will be sent home. Please see the RSE policy for further guidance.