If your child is unable to attend school, please let the school know as soon as possible, either verbally or in writing. We must have a reasonable explanation in order to authorise the absence. Please inform the school on the first morning of any absence by 9.15 a.m. If a child needs to attend a medical appointment, then the appointment letter must be shown to the school office.
If your child shows symptoms of illness, please do not send them to school as infections spread rapidly.
The giving of medication is a parental responsibility and school will only accept responsibility in special circumstances: usually doses can be given at home, outside of school hours. If it is necessary for your child to take medication during school hours, a medical consent form MUST be completed following discussion with the Headteacher. Medication must be named with the child’s name and dosage marked. Please note that the school will only administer medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor.
If your child uses an inhaler, this should be marked with their name and kept by them at all times at junior level and by the teacher in the infants. Spare, named inhalers may be left in the office.
If your child requires long-term medication, this should be discussed with the Headteacher so that appropriate arrangements can be made: it is vital that we are fully informed in these matters so that we are able to cater for the child’s well being.